China tio2 suppliers have to make a new price increasing $100/ton for tio2 since 10th,February,2020 during NCP period due to raw materials titanium concentrate going up crazily and its shortage in the market.
May 23, 2024According to customs statistics, titanium dioxide exports in April 2024were 157,400 tons, an increase of 18.13%, a decrease of 19.74% from theprevious month, of which sulfuric acid exports were 125,20...view
January 30, 2024In 2023, industrial enterprises in the country have achieved a total profit of 768.88.83 billion yuan, a decrease of 2.3% over the previous year, and narrowed 2.1 percentage points from January to Nov...view
August 7, 2024What Is Titanium Dioxide—And Do You Really Haveto Worry About It in Your Food?Skittles has been makingheadlines in recent weeks and not because a new flavor has been added to thepopular "taste the ra...view
September 6, 2017U.S. chemicals maker PPG Industries Inc. announced it has reached an agreement to take over Mexican architectural and industrial coatings firm Consorcio Comex for $2.3 billion, as part of the planned ...view
February 19, 2019Following VENATOR price increasing letterreleased on January 31st,2019, China tio2 market price increase $100/mt after China Lunar New Year,.It's estimated that tio2 trends will be still warm in the c...view
May 14, 2024In April 2024, China's titanium dioxideproduction of 408,300 tons, down 2.56% from the previous year, an increase of17.98%, in 2024 from January to April, the cumulative titanium dioxideproduction of ...view